What would you say to yourself 30 days ago when you were publishing your first atomic essay? (Here's what I would say to myself)

Bruno Rigolino on

Hi, Bruno. You’re embarking on a writing ship that will change how you write online.

On the fifth day, you’ll have doubts about shipping the other 25 of those atomic essays. You’ll feel some anxiety. But keep doing it; you’ll make it to the end.

You’ll meet people from many places, receive helpful feedback, practice your English, and prototype a new habit. Finally, you’ll love the feeling when you hit publish on the last day.

Forget about clever headlines. You always thought about it the wrong way. No one online is interested in discovering what a text is about only after reading it to the end. Long and clear headlines are much better than two-word mysterious ones.

You’ll accomplish your goals: you’ll get more feedback on your writing than you have received in years; you’ll ship all the 30 essays; you’ll meet many creative people writing from unique perspectives.

Publishing your stuff is great. But interacting with other writers will be even better. So read as many atomic essays as you can, and give as much feedback as possible.

You won’t like all your essays.

The ones with better performance will be the ones with stories supporting your point. Remember that design is useless without people, and people are story-driven. So to write about design and get people to read your essays, you must embrace stories.

Respect your writing time and don’t postpone hitting publish. The only day you did it (the 29th) was the one you got vaccinated and couldn’t publish your essay later. If you finished it, publish right way.

Finally, you made a good decision investing your time and money in this course. Writing and publishing every day is an effective way to learn and process ideas. Learnings leverage great returns.