About me
Since 2011 I've been designing artifacts ranging from backpacks to complex digital products.
From 2014 to 2020, I created and led Caiena's (caiena.net) human-centered design area, fostering the company's design methodology while advising the board and keeping a hands-on approach to designing products for NGOs (e.g. Instituto Natura and Itaú Educação e Trabalho), governments, startups (e.g. Alpop), and private companies (e.g. Ambev, Bayer, and Movida).
During my time at Caiena, my team and I received two iF Design Awards (2018 and 2020) in the UX/Service Design discipline and had a project selected for the "Bienal Iberoamericana de Deseño 2020."
After Caiena, I co-founded Lefty Ventures and led the Business and Product Design practice from October 2020 to May 2022, creating digital products from ideation to production for startup founders and SMBs.
In 2022, I started to work also as a design educator, teaching two courses in the Post-graduation degree on Interaction Design at PUC Campinas University.
Currently, I'm leading the Business Design practice at Squadra Group's (squadra.com.br) design studio.
I love creating products, tinkering with code, and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams.
Updated on March 01, 2025